Via Margherita Dellafior n.20
Cavalese (TN)
P.IVA: IT01969270220
CIR: 14789
It is preferable to contact the property via email or WhatsApp.
The owners of the Agritur, in fact, are often busy with their own farm activities, so it is difficult to answer by telephone.
Mobile phone: +39.349.6082906
Required fields are followed by*
Agritur La Regina dei Prati awaits you in the greenery of the province of Trento, in the municipality of Cavalese in the immediate vicinity of the return track, which leads to the valley floor, from Alpe Cermis, to stay overnight and taste the products of the beehive.
The farm is easily accessible, it is located in the hamlet of Masi, an ideal area for lovers of tranquility and nature.